The FOUR Stages of Waking with Tinnitus

It was back on December 27, 2017, I first posted this and I wanted to share it here on Living With Hearing Sensitivity. With a New Year right around the corner, I wanted to let people know I'll be adding entries more often in the upcoming year.

These entries will be filled with my own personal experience, as well as focus on spreading awareness about tinnitus and hyperacusis, and I'll be adding things from others with the conditions as well.

It's not easy having tinnitus and hyperacusis, especially if you have it 24/7, 365 days a year. Everyone sees me as a well put together woman with drive and ambition, but what they don't know is I don't just climb out of bed like you anymore. I go through stages of bringing the "me" you all see, out into the world.

Tinnitus can be quite difficult for many including myself to wake up too. It's worse than an alarm clock that YOU can shut off because WE CANNOT shut tinnitus off. It's there for thousands of us 24/7.

Hello, my name is Wendy Spickerman and I have Tinnitus and Hyperacusis 24/7.

The four stages of waking with tinnitus and hyperacusis, 365 days a year. Help find a cure. and

Share your photo with us and help spread awareness. Contact
 Hashtag #4StagesOfTinnitus #365Days #TinnitusAndME #MakeHyperacusisGO

Share these links from the American Tinnitus Association and Hyperacusis Research with 
"Help Find A Cure" as the headline.


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