2020, The year of surgeries

It's been a while since my last update so I'm going to give you a crash course to catch you up on everything that is life, as I know it. I'm going to start you off with a video... Year in Review 2019.

I've had two surgeries.

Jan. 10, 2020,

"Heard back today, it's a go on the surgery. So, I'll have this one and by the time I'm recovered I'll be meeting my ENT and talking over options for that surgery. Hitting the ground running on a healthy 2020."

Jan. 11, 2020,

"Today, I jumped on my bike and did 10 miles. First ride of the new year and last ride before my surgery. I won't be timing this one as I'm just getting some exercise in. Won't be active for 4 weeks."

A good day for those with chronic illness would be considered a sick day for most others.

Jan. 14, 2020,

"Today was a productive day. I got plenty of notes from the seminar . Touched base with a number of doctors, discussed other issues in the community... and learned the pre-op medication is spiking my tinnitus. That's not a good sign. I'm doing grounding exercises to counter.

I just have to hang in there a little longer. Tomorrow I may rearrange my furniture in the house, it's a coping defense of mine. Did I mention the medication tastes horrendous! Yep and it dissolves the minute you put it in your mouth. I didn't think anything could taste worse than my zofran for nausea."

Prep for Upcoming Surgery

Agenda Scheduled
Food Supply (nausea)
Drinks (hydration)
Comfy Slippers
Comfortable Clothes
Bought Fish (relaxing to watch)
Support Cushion
Plenty of Sleep
Bed Prep
House Schedule
Low Activity 4 Weeks

Meet Charlie my fish....

First surgery went well. They took out all the abnormal cells.

BAM!!! Coronavirus alert hits...

Needless to say my second surgery took place during the pandemic.

Often, people are in need of support at all hours. So, even at this point I was still giving one on one support to others with tinnitus and hyperacusis. After all, our condition doesn't stop just because we have a surgery. And I wanted to still lend an ear during times of need.

While everyone else was stocking up on toilet paper... I was stocking up on... pizza.

My 4th ear surgery went well. It was a double ear surgery. No spike in tinnitus and hyperacusis after this one like all the other surgeries. Thank goodness.
Recovery time going much faster. Noticing improvements in directional hearing issues, hearing better.

Now here we are... May 2020, the world uncertain with covid, lockdowns, safety.
I had a few issues after the surgery but they cleared up. Those first few weeks for hard but definitely easily  than my other surgeries.

I'm healthy, doing well... back to giving support to others in need.


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