Vertigo Treatment Day 2

May 1, 2014

Day 2 of Treatment

Severe Vertigo Caused by Hyperacusis

I felt so sluggish yesterday, couldn't focus on work, slept a lot; good thing my job allows me to work my own schedule and time. I won't miss any articles coming out.

Took my second dose of the medication last night. Again it helped with sleep. I may have awaken several times but it was easy enough to fall back off to sleep.

The good news is no noticeable side effects like the first day. I woke as usual without my alarm, which is my phone vibrating. I seem to be up and about okay.

Sometimes I have had a noticeable reaction from a medication after being on it for a few days. Just because it built up into my system, however small little signs would normally make me feel like something was off. I had no sign of anything last night. This might be a medication I can handle.

However, the doctor did note that he thought stronger doses may be an issue with me. The treatment plan is one pill a day for a week. Then two pills a day for a week, finally three pills a day for a week.

Our hope is to get my severe vertigo under control. He's treating me for a migraine with audio sensitivity. Even though it's not a migraine, my vertigo has symptoms with similarities of a migraine aspect. Nausea, dizziness, sensitivity to sounds, light, vomiting, disorientation etc.

By getting the vertigo under control it will allow us to move forward with the tinnitus and hyperacusis. Right now my strict routine minimizes these two conditions as best it can, but there are always setbacks, so I'm just coping the best I can and working around it. The other issue which the neurologist is looking into is the directional issue or "localization" issue as he called it.

As far as I understand the nerves in the ears and nerves in the brain are the issue. At the point where they meet something is getting crossed and understanding the information my brain receives from visual and audio is mixed leaving me in a confused state of which I'm suppose to be understanding.

Add in the hyperacusis and it all just feels like information overload to me. So, that is our next step, finding away to deal with the localization issue and information overload.

Baby steps, one thing at a time. first up vertigo.


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