Can't You Set That A Side

A medical condition isn't like pressing pause on a movie, because the phone rang. Nor is it like putting a book down, because you have to do something.

When the average person gets a day off; a person with a medical condition, doesn't have that privilege of getting a day off from it.

So you can understand how offensive such a remark is, "Can't you put that a side..." when speaking to a person with an invisible disability, that causes them, chronic pain with severe symptoms like nausea, vomiting, vertigo, and migraines.

Would you ask a person who can't walk too walk? Or expect a blind person too see?

So why is it so hard for others to accept a condition one can't see?

The physical symptoms are as real as anything else.

Is it because society has been built on a fundamental belief that anything you can't see isn't real?

Maybe it has to do with the fact that those with disabilities still get the shortend of the stick when it comes to jobs and a place in society equal to others.

Let's face it, we see signs for people who need wheelchairs, canes, walkers, even a seeing eye dog. However, there has yet to be a defined icon for a an invisible disability.

What would you have that icon be?

Here's a list of some invisible disabilities.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Lyme Disease

As you can see, some of the conditions on this list even kill. Think about that for a moment...

And yet, we treat these people, even worse, than those who have already fought for their rights the blind, crippled, and deaf.

So no, I can't just set it aside. I'm sorry my disability is such an inconvenience to YOU!

A remark like that really makes you wonder. It is so important that you contact your congressmen and tell them, people with invisible disabilities are still fighting for their right to be treated equal.

If each person, who has an invisible disabity, or a family member, friend with it, contact Congress TODAY, they would have to listen.

And not just your congressman, your governor, mayor, your schools. Because guess what, these conditions are even effecting our children.


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