Over the past year, I have talked with many people suffering
from a number of conditions. I was shocked at how many
doctors were writing up prescriptions for anxiety and depression.
In fact, Science Daily reported 4.02 billion prescriptions were
written back in 2011 and The Center for Disease Control and
Prevention reported in 2013 a growing epidemic of overdoses
of prescription painkillers was leading to a record numbers of deaths.
I was even more shocked at how dissatisfied these patients
were and are with their ongoing care stating, "My doctor
doesn't listen to me" or "This medication has nothing to do with
my condition, I'm in pain."
To many times have I, myself walked into a doctor's office and
had this done as well. After sitting in a waiting room for over
45 minutes, the doctor seeing you for but ten minutes and
hands you a prescription.
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