Hyperacusis and Disability
Photo Credit: Wendy Spickerman
Hyperacusis May Not Be a Disability But it is Disabling
by Wendy Spickerman, &Wendy_Spickerman
Life Article
You may not know it but +Hyperacusis is not considered a disability, yet it can be disabling. So what qualifies a condition for being a +Disability ? Well, several factors. One, a "physical condition" which hinders one's everyday life.
You may not know it but +Hyperacusis is not considered a disability, yet it can be disabling. So what qualifies a condition for being a +Disability ? Well, several factors. One, a "physical condition" which hinders one's everyday life.
While hyperacusis can affect a person +Balance it is not a condition of the arms and legs which require "mobility". Therefore, it does not full under normal disability guidelines and requirements.
Another interesting fact is Hyperacusis is not known to "cause" deafness that characteristic fall to parts of the ears and hyperacusis is more related to the auditory nerve and brain connection. Doctors call it a "Central brain phenomenon, where the problem is more of a "processing sound issue" verses a primary inner ear disorder."
Hyperacusis is shit painful. It never gose away and most probably never will in somones life time. The sound of everyday noise is almost like 3 times as loud as normal life. The pain of the loud noises is like a knife stabbing into your inner ears constantly and someone pouring a big buket of burning liquid into your ears all day, everyday without fail.