Tinnitus Technique 'reset your mind'
I know it's the holiday and I'm suppose to be all, 'Ho Ho Ho' but I'm oh so exhausted. Tinnitus is that never being able to turn the sound down, that alarm clock that won't stop going off or how about that neighbors car where the alarm goes off 50 thousand times. It's annoying, frustrating, uncomfortable, endless aching, and painful noise inside your head that won't go away.
It's exhausting...
On a good day you smile and try to ignore it.
On an average day you're just getting by without biting off someones head.
On a bad day you've either left work early unable to concentrate, head feels all filled with a fog and state of confusion that you feel like you're going to fall over.
And on an extremely bad day you called off and you blocked the world out and want to cry...
You want the ringing to stop for just five minutes... just five 'freakin minutes'
You know being around others is no place for you..
You get so moody from the frustration of it all and pain.
It's hard to deal with an average day let alone deal with ringing in your ears every day of your life. Most don't get it because they haven't experienced it and just think your strange.Trying to explain it seems pointless... you may have lost your job because of it... lost friends.. and family too...
Today I'm tired... I feel like I haven't slept in so long... I'm moody... frustrated and just want it to stop... However I've been going through this long enough to know when it's just to much and today is by definition a 'bad day'.
Coping strategies that can help...
It's exhausting...
On a good day you smile and try to ignore it.
On an average day you're just getting by without biting off someones head.
On a bad day you've either left work early unable to concentrate, head feels all filled with a fog and state of confusion that you feel like you're going to fall over.
And on an extremely bad day you called off and you blocked the world out and want to cry...
You want the ringing to stop for just five minutes... just five 'freakin minutes'
You know being around others is no place for you..
You get so moody from the frustration of it all and pain.
It's hard to deal with an average day let alone deal with ringing in your ears every day of your life. Most don't get it because they haven't experienced it and just think your strange.Trying to explain it seems pointless... you may have lost your job because of it... lost friends.. and family too...
Today I'm tired... I feel like I haven't slept in so long... I'm moody... frustrated and just want it to stop... However I've been going through this long enough to know when it's just to much and today is by definition a 'bad day'.
Coping strategies that can help...
- Breathe (take a deep breath and just tell yourself to breathe) This gives you time to reset your mind. You know it's a bad day, how you have been handling it has not worked, now it's time to reset the day. After you take a deep breath tell yourself these simple words, (I CAN DO THIS)
- Speak up (If it's to much say so. I'd rather say, 'I'm sorry, I'm having a really bad day today. I'm not feeling well and it's best I leave.) This lets the employer know that you are aware of the situation and you have decided the best course of action is to leave so that you are not stressed to the point of not being unprofessional in the workplace.
- Relax (try turning on some relaxing music, keep the stress level down... no phones... no I have to do this... I have to do that... this is the time to take care of you, soak in a warm tub, take something for that headache, try to get a nap in).
- Call the doctor (when all else fails call your doctor let them no it's not working.) Your doctor wants you to feel better if relaxing techniques on your own isn't enough they may suggest a coach try taking a meditation class or talking with someone on a regular basis to help relieve the stress of it all.
Writing about it is a kind of self therapy, it occupies my mind while I focus on just what I want to share on any given day of writing, releases stress and it's a form of 'resetting your mind'.
By sharing my personal experience with all of you, I hope my words spread awareness of just what it is we go through and maybe someone will find my coping strategies useful. If my writings help just one person get through one more day than I glad to help.
Thank you for reading, my blog has had over 700 views since I started writing maybe just maybe it's helping someone out there.
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