Toddler Asked to Leave Panera Over Noisy Shoes

I was very surprised by the action of Panera. They could have apologized and explained being they knew the family situation, if the customer wanted to leave I would have given them a discount. But to ask the family to leave was just wrong!

You can read the article here: Toddler Asked to Leave Panera Over Noisy Shoes

There are certain things we all must deal with. In this case I believe the adult should have left not the family with the child. If I can't handle the noise and secondary sounds in a restaurant I don't go to a restaurant. These things are within our control. It's a choice!

However there are certain situation where accommodations should be made. Like all the buildings with beeping alarm doors. That is something we can not control yet are subjected to. Just as with places accommodating people with wheelchair. Places should be made accommodating for all disabilities.


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