Hyperacusis: The not so good days

February 18, 2014

There are some days you just have to know when to listen to your body, took a sick day yesterday. It's one of those unexpected moments when you just can't do anything but stay in bed and sleep it off. After my visit to the doctor over the weekend, for my ears everything went right into my sinuses. I had such sinus pressure, a full-blown migraine, it felt like someone hit me in the nose. I couldn't even wear my glasses because they put added pressure on my nose and well, what was the point with such a migraine even my vision was more blurring from the light sensitivity.

Woke this morning to find myself running into the bathroom from the nausea again. Vertigo hit really hard yesterday just turning my head side to side was making me see white specks of light. I thought for sure I was going to pass out so right to bed I went and stayed until morning. I'll work today until I need to lay down again.

The nausea that accompanies the vertigo seems to have made itself my best friend. However, I'm not too fond off dashing into the bathroom at a moment’s notice to lose the contents in my stomach. I'm starting to lose weight which is a concern for me. I'm a petite woman as it is, by the grace of god. However, I think god and myself would rather I not get any lighter for I will turn into Mary Poppins and be blown away by the first wind. I have lost 4 pounds already. This will have to be a new concern to bring up to my family doctor.

With always having work as a journalist, there is never a day I can just take off. There is always people to get in touch with (most of my correspondence is through e-mails because of my issue with the phone being painful to my ears. This is caused by the hyperacusis, that all too familiar sensitivity to sound.) Then there's gathering all the information, checking it for accuracy, get permissions and credit information for photo use, writing the article, editing the article, adding the images, video or slideshows, inserting the hyperlinks, quoting sources. Further editing, attaching the headline and sending off for approval. Sometimes more editing, sometime a headline changes and yes, sometimes questions need to be asked.

As you can see, I take my job very serious. I stomach is doing flip-flops, time to take my nausea pill. Already started working so I will just take it slow doing what I can until I cannot any more.


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